
My Favourite piece of Software

Software is a set of commands that tell a computer what to do. Software includes the entire set of programs, events, and sequences associated with the operation of computer systems.

By Kgatliso Matema in type of software

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The two main categories of software are application software and system software. An application is software that fulfils a specific need or performs a task. System software is intended to run computer hardware and provide a platform on which applications can run.

Another type of software is programming software, which provides the programming tools needed by software developers. Middleware between system software and applications. Driver software that operates computer devices and peripherals.

Examples of Software

Application software (the most common type of software) is a package of computer software that performs a specific function for the user, and possibly another application. Applications can be stand-alone or groups of programs that run applications on behalf of users. Examples of modern applications include office suites, graphics software, database and database management programs, web browsers, word processors, software development tools, image editing programs, and communications platforms.

System software

These software programs are designed to run your computer’s application programs and hardware. System software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software. In addition, it controls the operation of computer hardware and provides an environment or platform on which all other types of software can operate. An operating system is the best example of system software. Manage all other computer programs. Other examples of system software include firmware, computer language translators, and system utilities.

Programming software

Computer programmers write code using programming software. Programming software and programming tools enable developers to develop, write, test, and debug other software programs. Examples of programming software are assemblers, compilers, debuggers, and interpreters.

How does software work?

All software provides the instructions and data your computer needs to function and meet your needs. However, there are two different types of application software and system software that behave very differently.

Application Software

Desktop applications are installed on the user’s computer and use the computer’s memory to perform tasks. They take up space on your computer’s hard drive and do not require an internet connection to function. However, desktop applications must meet the requirements of the hardware device on which they run.

Web applications, on the other hand, require only Internet access to function. It does not rely on hardware or system software to run. As a result, the user can launch her web application from any device with her web browser. The component responsible for the application’s functionality resides on the server, so the user can launch the app from her Windows, Mac, Linux, or any other operating systems.

System Software

System software sits between computer hardware and application software. The system software runs in the background and takes over the basic functions of the computer, so the user does not interact directly with the system software. This software coordinates system hardware and software to allow users to run high-level application software to perform specific actions. System software runs when your computer system starts and continues to run as long as the system is powered on.

Daily Drive Software and System Software

First, there are hundreds of software out there, some not as good as others.

However, I want to talk about some of my favourite software. To start the list, I would like to first name the software that was used to write this document.

MS Word is known as Microsoft Word (a word processing software that you can use in professional and personal work). The is so much more to MS Word than just writing up documents,  you can create educational, marketing, management, letters, flyers, resume, email marketing newsletter, reports, labels, business plan, business cards, employees report with photos, and seminar documents. There is a lot one can to do from this software, hence the reason it is my favourite piece of software.

Another favourite software of mine is Adobe, or to be more precise – Photoshop (it’s an image creation, graphic design, and photo editing software), as someone who likes to do graphic design and edit images, Photoshop allows me to bring out my creative side. it’s a software used quite often in today’s world, with that being said it’s not only used for professional work to create content and digital marketing, you can use it as a personal tool to enhance or edit your images.

Another favourite piece of software from Adobe is Adobe XD (it’s a powerful and easy-to-use vector-based experience design platform that gives designers and creative’s the tools they need to craft the world’s best experiences collaboratively), Adobe XD it’s the software that helps designers and creative to make sure that they design and better plan for designs that best suited for user experience, it also allows the designer to prototype their designs to give it a real-world experience.

Just to name other softwares that are more of tools to me, the likes of Uber, Takealot, etc. This software’s made a game changer, also getting to have them on a mobile phone giving you access to all these great things, from having to order food, and getting a ride to making groceries online at the touch of a button. It is amazing how far we have come with software development and one of the reasons being a software developer makes me look forward to what we shall achieve with development.

The last software I would like to mention it’s a software that allows me as a developer to create more and build more software which is Visual Studio (it’s an integrated development environment from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs including websites, web apps, web services, and mobile apps). It’s a creative tool with many extensions to help with the software development process.

Windows OS (Windows is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families developed and distributed by Microsoft. Each family serves a specific sector of the computer industry. Examples include Windows NT for consumers, Windows Server for servers, and Windows IoT for embedded systems.) – is also part of my favourite software, I use it as my daily drive while some people find fault with it I find it fluid as it supports and runs all of my software applications and web applications that I need to work or play.

The dimensions of software quality include

  • Accessibility. The degree to which a wide variety of people can comfortably use the software, including those who require adaptive technologies such as voice recognition and screen magnifiers.
  • Compatibility. Suitability of the software for use in various environments; B. On different operating systems, devices, and browsers.
  • Efficiency. The ability of software to function properly without wasting energy, resources, effort, time, or money.
  • Function. The ability of software to perform a specified function.
  • Install ability. Ability to install software in a specific environment.
  • Scalability. A measure of a software’s ability to increase or decrease performance in response to changing processing requirements.

History of software

The term software was not used until the late 1950s. During this time, although different types of programming software were being created, they were typically not commercially available. Consequently, users — mostly scientists and large enterprises — often had to write their own software.

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