In this article we are going to look at the analogy of software as a symphony and how a successful software solution follows many elements of a successful symphony. We will look at the different components it takes an orchestra to perform a symphony. Considering the software equivalents and how each part comes together to…
As we find ourselves in the ever-changing digital world, businesses face a multitude of challenges in choosing, managing, and leveraging their vast array of software needs. API alchemy has emerged as a powerful concept for harmonizing diverse ecosystems in businesses.
API alchemy refers to the process of transforming and combining various application programming interfaces (APIs)…
Introduction. 2
SQL Server Architecture. 2
Components and Functionality of SQL Server 2
Advantages of SQL Server 3
Application. 4
Conclusion. 5
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard language for managing relational databases. SQL is used to perform various database management tasks such as creating, modifying, deleting, and retrieving data from databases.…
Event based architectures are becoming increasingly popular within the movement to micro-service orientated systems. This article looks to highlight some of the common pitfalls that one can encounter when building an event-based system. Additionally, it will describe some mitigations that one can implement to mitigate these pitfalls and increase the likelihood of a successful…